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Add Repositories

This task can add the following repositories.

Name Key Packages
Brave Browser* brave_browser brave-browser
Docker docker docker-ce, docker-ce-rootless-extras, docker-ce-cli* element_io element-desktop
GitHub - CLI github gh
Google - Bazel* bazel bazel
Google - Chrome* chrome google-chrome-stable, google-chrome-beta
Google - Cloud SDK* googlecloud google-cloud-sdk, kubectl, google-cloud-sdk-minikube
Google - gVisor gvisor runsc
Hashicorp* hashicorp terraform, consul, nomad, vault, boundary, waypoint
Mendeley desktop* mendeley mendeleydesktop
Microsoft - Azure CLI* azurecli azure-cli
Microsoft - Edge* edge microsoft-edge-dev
Microsoft - Skype* skype skypeforlinux
Microsoft - VSCode vscode code, code-insiders, code-exploration
Miniconda* miniconda conda
NeuroDebian* neurodebian
Podman (via OBS)* podman podman, podman-plugins, cri-o-runc, cri-tools, buildah, crun
ProtonVPN Client* protonvpn protonvpn
ROS ros
ROS2 ros2
Signal* signal signal-desktop
Slack Desktop* slack slack-desktop
Spotify Client* spotify spotify-client
Sublime Text Editor* sublimetext sublime-text
Vivaldi* vivaldi vivaldi-stable
Wine HQ* winehq winehq-stable, winehq-staging
Ubuntu - Universe ubuntu_universe
Ubuntu - Multiverse ubuntu_multiverse
Ubuntu - Restricted ubuntu_restricted
Debian - contrib debian_contrib
Debian - non-free** debian_nonfree


  • * Only amd64/x86_64 is supported. ARM CPUs like Raspberry Pi/Nvidia Tegra are not supported.
  • ** Debain non free is not supported on Debian Bookworm due to DEB-822 and inclusion of non free drivers by default.
  • azurecli is not supported on Ubuntu 18.04, Debian 9, 10 and their derivatives.
  • winehq is not supported on Ubuntu 18.04, Debian 9, 10 and their derivatives.
  • * Only amd64/x86_64 is supported. ARM CPUs like Raspberry Pi/Nvidia Tegra are not supported.

ROS Releases & Ubuntu/Debian versions

  • ROS repository only supports certain Ubuntu/Debian distributions. You can find more info at ROS-Wiki
  • Though Ubuntu derivatives might work, they are not supported.

Example yaml configuration snippet is given below.

api: 3
  # Repository Flags
    azurecli: true
    bazel: true
    brave_browser: true
    chrome: true
    docker: true
    edge: true
    element_io: true
    github: true
    googlecloud: true
    gvisor: true
    hashicorp: true
    mendeley: true
    miniconda: true
    neurodebian: true
    podman: true
    protonvpn: true
    ros: true
    ros2: true
    signal: true
    skype: true
    spotify: true
    slack: true
    sublimetext: true
    teams: true
    vivaldi: true
    vscode: true
    winehq: true
    # Debian
    debian_nonfree: true
    debian_contrib: true
    # Ubuntu
    ubuntu_universe: true
    ubuntu_multiverse: true
    ubuntu_restricted: true

Note about WineHQ repository and i386 packages

If you chose to add WineHQ repository, i386 architecture is automatically enabled AFTER adding WineHQ repository.

Note about Podman repository

Podman repository(provided by Kubic project) also provides golang package for some reason. So please be careful while installing golang via apt.

Add personal package archives (PPA)

List of PPAs config.ppa

api: 3
    # With prefix ppa:
    - ppa:yubico/stable
    # Without prefix ppa:
    - kicad/kicad-5.1-releases

Install apt packages

There are seven list of packages under key config.install.apt.<category>

  1. administration - Contains Administrative packages
  2. security - Contains Security related tools and packages
  3. productivity - Office tools, writing tools, LateX, document tools and other productivity tools, Email clients, browsers, IM clients etc.
  4. multimedia - Multimedia tools like media players, audio converters and players etc.
  5. development - IDEs, languages [go, python, ruby, rust, java etc], Containers [docker lxc rkt etc], Python libraries, compilers [gcc, clang] SDKs [AWS SDK, Google Cloud SDK, open-jdk, Tensor Flow], headers and libraries. Anything related to development and -dev or -devl packages.
  6. other - Everything which does not fit in the above categories. Themes, Tools, Utilities etc.
  7. external - Any packages which are provided by PPAs, or repositories not present in base Ubuntu distribution. There's a possibility that the repository might not be added or may be unavailable or offline. So Keeping the list separate from others packages minimizes errors if there are any.

This classification is only for ease of use and need not be strictly followed. You can put vlc package in security, it will be installed without issues.

Special list of packages - Purge list

There is a special package list config.purge containing list of packages to be purged from the system. This only applies if purge flag is set and purge task is enabled (when autopilot is active)

api: 3
    - gnome-mines
    - gnome-sudoku
    - aisleriot
    - gnome-mahjongg

Install Debian package archives (.deb files)

This will install deb files specified in the YAML config under config.install.debs.

  • Each entry is URL to the deb file. URL MUST be http or https, ftp URLs are not supported!
api: 3

Install Static binaries to /usr/local/bin

This will install binaries in YAML config under config.install.binaries.

  • Simulate option will download the binary but not install it.
  • Configuration is of format binary-name::URL. Binary name MUST mach regex ^([a-zA-z0-9_-]+)$.
  • For example, to install kubectl, the entry should look like below.
api: 3
      - kubectl::

Purge Unwanted Packages

This will purge Unwanted packages from the system.

  • The packages mentioned in list config.purge in yaml.


It is necessary to pass command line argument -d or set config.flags.purge_enabled: true in config.

Installing Snap packages

Script can install snap packages from snap-store. You MUST specify the classic snaps with prefix classic:: See example below. Edge snaps MUST be prefixed with edge::

api: 3
      - htop
      - classic::vscode
      - classic::edge::hugo

All In one

This will perform Following actions. (In the following order)

  • Update repository metadata
  • Upgrade packages
  • Add repositories
  • Add PPAs
  • Install APT packages
  • Install DEB files
  • Install static binaries
  • Install snap packages

This option will honor --autopilot and --simulate options as individual tasks would do.


Using --autopilot will skip all UI prompts and confirmations. This mode requires you to specify tasks to be run if using YAML config. Example snippet is given below.

api: 3
  # Enabled Tasks
    update: true
    upgrade: true
    # Add Repos
    # individual repos flags are mentioned under config.add_repo
    add_repo: true
    # Add PPAs
    ppa: true
    # APT Packages
    apt: true
    # Whether to purge packages mentioned in config.purge
    purge: true
    # DEB packages
    debs: true
    # Staic binaries
    binaries: true
    # Snap packages
    snaps: true
Name Key
Update APT Metadata(Same as running apt-get update) update
Upgrade packages upgrade
Add Repositories add_repo
Add personal package archives (PPA) ppa
Install apt packages apt
Install Debian package archives (.deb files) debs
Install Static binaries to /usr/local/bin binaries
Purge Unwanted Packages purge
Installing Snap packages snaps

Delete logs

A log file is generated containing all the output generated by the apt and other commands

  • This task will delete the log file after-effects.log in logs folder